Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Greetings ~

Hello friends,

Welcome to the course weblog of "State and Local Public Finance," which is an additional channel of communication for our journey together on PA5113, 2015 spring

Throughout the semester, each of you is required to post two blogs, one before the Spring Break and one after. Please log on the Moodle course website to register for your posting schedule.

The broad topic area for each week is generally following the lecture schedule, with some exceptions. When it is your turn, please pick a specific point of interest, find relevant materials on the Internet or through other sources, and present your comments or questions that are related to our lecture or readings.

Each post should provide some hyperlinks to additional web-based resources, and I especially love to see some multimedia ones. No need to write a lot. A couple of short paragraphs would do -- just find something interesting and helpful to share. Keep it simple, keep it fun! In the class, some of you may be asked to do a 2-minute "mini speech" about your post and answer one or two questions.

You are all encouraged to read these blog posts and add comments. Each week we will also select a "Post of the Week," whose author will be awarded 1 extra point in the participation scores.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns,


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